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Report users & reviews

Vouchley offers an extremely easy way to report users and reviews that don't belong on the platform.

Reporting users

You can report users for breaking the rules, violating the Terms of use, or any other reason they shouldn't be on Vouchley.

To report a user, head over to the user's profile (You can use the user search box on the home page to find users), then click on the Report icon on the top right.

From here, you can select the reason for the report, enter an optional message, then click send to submit your reviews.

NOTE: User reports are prioritised over review reports to ensure safety across all users.

Reporting reviews

You can report reviews for being false, unfair, irrelevant or any other reason they don't belong on Vouchley.

To report a review, go onto the review widget in question, then click on the red Report icon. From here, you can select the reason for your report, add any optional message and click Send to submit your report.

NOTE: In some cases, review or user reports may be dealt with over a Discord ticket involving both (or all) parties.

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